Applied Science & Humanities
JCDM College of Engineering
To offer engineering students the balanced knowledge in applied science and humanities to solve challenging problems in their respective engineering disciplines.
The department of Applied Science works with a mission of collaborating between core areas of basic science and engineering, so that the outcome is a generation of better mental abilities for understanding and solving the engineering problems.
Introduction to the Department
Department of Applied Science & Humanities comprises of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Bio-Technology & Humanities sections. Various elective courses such as Micro Economics and Communicative English are offered under Humanities I to B. E. 1st year students. Moreover, courses like Management Concepts & Practices, Business Environment, and Corporate Finance are offered under Humanities II and Humanities III to B. E. 3rd year students. In addition to the two compulsory courses in Mathematics for B.E. 1st year students, several elective courses e.g. Numerical Analysis, Probability & Statistics and Discrete Mathematics are offered to select branches of undergraduate engineering according to the prescribed curriculum.
The department has well-equipped laboratories to impart practical training to the students in the field of Physics and Chemistry. A computing lab has also been set up in the department, which is also equipped with facilities enabling it to be used as a language lab.

Message From HOD
Thank you for visiting the Department of Applied Science and Humanities at JCDM College of Engineering. The department lays the foundation of Engineering in the college as every student spends the first two semesters in this department. Our main aim is to help the students to make them adjust to the new environment and inculcate in them the ethos of the institution with a sense of larger purpose.
The Department has highly qualified and experienced faculty members from their respective fields. Every student is focused through a Mentor-Mentee Scheme for his overall personality development. The faculty members encourage the students to question critically, think logically, communicate clearly, and live ethically. These skills serve as the foundation for living the examined life and succeeding in an increasingly global, ever-changing workplace. The students are motivated to perform well in academics, as well as in co-curricular activities. Department is equipped with a fully furnished Physics lab, Chemistry Lab and Communication skills Lab having the latest equipment, kits and other materials.
Dr. Silki Baghla
Associate Prof./ Head of Department
Lab Images
Lab & Facilities
- Physics Lab
- Chemistry Lab
- Language Lab
Research Publications
- Book entitled “Updrav me Ubharta Kavitav” published (Jt.) in 2009 (ISBN: 978-93-80097-52-7)
- Book entitled “Communication Skills II” published (Jt.) in 2009 (ISBN: 978-93-80097-59-6)
- Book entitled “Communication Skills II” published (Jt.) in 2009 (ISBN: 978-93-80097-07-7)
- Book entitled “English for Professionals” (Jt) published in 2009 (ISBN: 978-93-80097-14-5)
- Shikha Goyal, “Universality of the Problem in T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’” in Diviner- A Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No.1, Jan-June 2008, pp.161-170
- Shikha Goyal, “Alienation a Major Concern in the Novels of Anita Desai “in Diviner- A Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.6, No.1, Jan-June 2009, pp.124-129
- Shikha Goyal, “Humanism: The Back-Bone of Bernard Malamud’s The Assistant” in Diviner- A Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.7, No.1, Jan-June 2010, pp.142-147
- Shikha Goyal, “Body Language : The Ubiquitous Plasma of Effective Communication” in the book Soft Skills-Key to Professional Excellence edited by Dr. Vikas Arora, Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010, pp.227-235
- “National Knowledge Commission: Academic Excellence at the Apex” published (Jt.) in May 2009 issue of Pratiyogita Dharpan.
- “Nature, Scope and Functions of Human Resource Management” published (Jt.) in July 2009 issue of Pratiyogita Dharpan.
- “Human Rights: An Overview” published (Jt.) in August 2009 issue of Pratiyogita Dharpan.
- “Dynamical Systems” in National Conference at JCDMCOE, Sirsa
- “Topological Aspects of Dynamical Systems and Chaotic Dynamical Systems” in National Conference at Govt. P.G. College for women, Bhodiakhera, Fatehabad.
- “Dynamics of Circle Maps” in International Conference at PPIMT, Hisar.
- “Continuity of a Function Concerning Dynamics on Circle” in National Conference at NIT, Hamirpur, H.P
- “Lift Maps and Continuity of Functions concerning Dynamics on Circle” in International Conference at Central University, Ajmer, Rajasthan.
- “Orbit of a Point in Dynamical Systems” in IJPAM by Springer .
- “Periodic and eventually periodic points in Dynamical Systems” in National Conference at CDLU, Sirsa.