Electrical Engineering
JCDM College of Engineering
To be a leading technical centre to achieve international standards in the areas of education, research and services and to develop the students with engineering professional attitude, equipped with a strong technical foundation required for critical reasoning, analytical and technical skills to face global challenges to succeed competitive examinations and to promote creative environment for developing young entrepreneurs with social-concern.
Imparting Quality Technical Education to young Engineers by providing the state-of-the-art laboratories and quality instruction by highly qualified and experienced faculty in Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme with global standards and preparing them for competitive examinations in higher education and employment with cognizant professional attitude, research aptitude, life-long learning, entrepreneurial practices, ethical values and social concern.
Introduction to the Department
Department of Electrical Engineering is committed to impart technical education in most efficient manner to its students. It was established in year 2004. The department has equipped itself with workshops/labs as per the University syllabus. The department has well experienced faculty having good exposure to research with publications in various national/international journals and conferences.
- To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.
- To provide student with an academic environment aware of excellence, leadership, written ethical codes and guidelines, and the life-long learning needed for a successful professional career.
- To prepare student for Post Graduate programmes.
- Students will be able to design electrical and electronic circuits and conduct experiments with electrical systems, analyze and interpret data.
- Students will be able to design digital and analog systems and the component.
- Students will visualize and work on laboratory equipments and software.
- Students will understand the impact of engineering solutions on the society and also will be aware of contemporary issues.

Message From HOD
We, at JCDM College of Engineering, are absolutely committed to serve the society and improve the mode of life by imparting high-quality education in the field of Engineering, catering to the explicit and implicit needs of the students, society, humanity and industry. Our goal is to continuously improve the healthy learning environment and facilities being provided to the students to achieve academic excellence for employability as world-class Technocrats apart from making them noble human beings of a nation growing from strength to strength.
Head of EE Department
Er. Sushil Kumar
Lab Images
Courses Offered
- Name of Course: B.Tech (EE)
- Seats: 30
- Name of Course: M.Tech (EE)
- Seats: 18
Labs & Facility
Sr.No.Name of the Laboratory
1 | Electrical Workshop Lab |
2 | Electrical Technology Lab |
3 | Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation Lab |
4 | Power Apparatus and Machines Lab |
5 | Electric Drives Lab |
6 | Power System Lab |
7 | Simulation Lab |
8 | Power Electronics Lab |
9 | Control system Lab |
10 | Project Lab |
Labs & Facility
Research Publication
- Pooja mehra,Khusbhoo mehta,”Implementation of various algorithms for acoustic echo cancellation”,International journal of computer Technology and applications,Vol 5, issue 4, july 2014
- Pooja mehra,Shelly Makhija,” Design of PIFA to reduce Heraclius effect of Mobile phone”,International Journal for science research and development,Vol 2 Issue5,july 2014
- Pooja mehra,rishpa ,”Text localization and Extraction in images using mathematical morphology and OCR techniques”,International journal of scientific engineering and research,2013.
- Pooja mehra,ritu sharma“Analysis of Adiabatic Logic NOR gate for power reduction” International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology,Vol.1,Issue 2:Page No.179-182,July-August (2012)
- Pooja mehra,Amit nagpal”Performance Evaluation of WIMAX Physical layer” in national conference on recent advances in Engineering Technologies and Environment in Feb., 2012
- Pooja mehra,Deepak,”Design and Simulation of Digital Filters for low power DSP applications” International journal for Electro Computational World Knowledge Interface, Vol.1,issue 6,feb.2012
- Pooja mehra,Ritu Sharma,“Conventional CMOS versus Adiabatic Logic” in International Conference on Sports Biomechanics ,Emerging Technologies & Quality Assurance in Technical Education, March 17-18,2012
- Pooaj mehra,Deepak,”low power design for filters for DSP applications” national conference on recent advances in Engineering Technologies and environment, Feb. 2012
- Pooja mehra,Amit Nagpal,”Vertical handover decision Algorithm for Fourth Generation (4G) Heterogeneous Networks” in national conference on recent trends in mathematics and computing, may 2011
- Pooja Mehra,Amit nagpal,“Analyzing the performance of WIMAX physical layer for different modulation schemes” International Journal for Electro Computational Work Knowledge Interface,Vol.1,issue 3,pp 19-25,Nov.2011
- Pooja mehra,Rakesh Nagpal,”Mechatronics and its applications” in national conference on Futuristic trends in Engineering and technology, Jan 2008
- Gurpreet Singh, “Recycling : A Better Pathway To Reduce Pollution” Climate Changes and Environmental Problems: Reasons, Consequences & Remedies” at JCDM College of Engineering, Sirsa from 20-05-2012 to 22-05- 2012.
- Pankaj Sharma “Magnetic Characteristics Of Three Phase Core Type Transformer Using Maxwell” in proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Mechatronics and Communication at OM institute of technology and management, Hisar, Feb 2012
- Pankaj Sharma “Finite Element Analysis Of Three Phase Core Type Transformer Using Maxwell” in proceedings of National Conference on Climate Changes and Environmental Problems: Reasons, Consequences and Remedies (CCEP) at JCDM College of Engineering, Sirsa, May 2012.
- Pankaj Sharma, “Comparison of 2 Dimensional Discretization Refinement of Three Phase Core Type Transformer Using Maxwell Ansoft.” In Journal of Computing Technology ( JCT), Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2012.
- Pankaj Sharma “ Modelling and Simulation of Photovoltaic System to Optimize the Power Output using DC-DC Converter”, in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol.3, Issue 7, July 2014.
- Pankaj Sharma “Modeling & Simulation of PV system to optimize the power output using Buck –boost Converter,”ITEE Journal, Issue 3 Vo.3 June 2014.
- Gurpreet Singh, “ Modelling and Simulation of DVR for Power Quality Improvement,”in RAETE,2012.
- Ria Kalra, “Design & Optimization of UWB Antennafor WPAN applications,” LAP Germany,2012
- Ria Kalra, “Comparison of different olanar Monopole UWB Antenna using HFSS,”IJSER,Vol.2 October 2011.
- Ria Kalra, “Design of plus shaped fractal Antenna,” RAETE,2012.
- Ria Kalra, “Design of printed planar UWB Antenna,” RAETE,2012.
- Ria Kalra, “ Result Analysis of E shaped fractal antenna with DGS,” IJPAS,Vol.3,March 2015
- Shiba Arora “ Modelling and Simulation of Photovoltaic System to Optimize the Power Output using DC-DC Converter”, in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol.3, Issue 7, July 2014.
- Shiba Arora“Modeling & Simulation of PV system to optimize the power output using Buck –boost Converter,”ITEE Journal, Issue 3 Vo.3 June 2014.
- Shiba arora, “ Next Generation lighting system using LED Bulbs & Tube lights: Review in Haryana”, ESTEEM-2014Issue 3, Vol.3 March 2014.
- Manisha Rani, “Steady state voltage stability enhancement of power system by using FACTS Devices,” PII CON 6th IEEE Conference,Dec 2014.
- Shailja Bansal, “Design of high performance on chip spiral inductor ,” RAETE,2012.
- Gurtej Singh, “ Power Quality IMPROVEMENT IN Distribution System using small energy storage system DVR,”IJEMR,Vol.4,issue3 June 2014
- Gurtej Singh, “ Comparision of control techniques in power quality improvement by using small energy storage system DVR,”IJSRD,Vol.2,issue01,2014
- Gurtej Singh, “ Modelling and Simulation of DVR for Power Quality Improvement,”.