Electronics & Communication Engineering
JCDM College of Engineering
To be a leading technical centre to achieve international standards in the areas of education, research and services and to develop the students with engineering professional attitude, equipped with a strong technical foundation required for critical reasoning, analytical and technical skills to face global challenges to succeed competitive examinations and to promote creative environment for developing young entrepreneurs with social-concern.
To impart knowledge in the field of Electronics & communication engineering so that students should be in a position to apply the same in tandem with industry expectations. The students should be in a position to come to the level of social aspirations.
Introduction to the Department
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering is committed to producing employable engineers who are accepted globally. It was established in the year 2003. The department is having well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty. The department has well-equipped laboratories with sufficient facilities and software like MATLAB, VISSIM, ORCAD, ZENI-EDA.
Programme Educational Objectives
- To train students with good scientific and engineering breadth so as to comprehend, analyze, design and create novel products and solutions for real-life problems.
- To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.
- To prepare student for Post Graduate programmes.
Programme Outcomes
- Students will be able to design electronic circuits, analyze and control electronic systems.
- Students will be able to emerge as competent professionals fully aware of their commitment to the sty.

Message from HOD
A warm and affectionate welcome from the Department of the Electronics & Communication Engineering at JCDM College of Engineering Sirsa (HRY). Electronics & Communication Engineering is a constantly changing and widening branch of the engineering profession having applications in every discipline of engineering including basic electronics, telecommunications, diagnostics and treatment devices for audio and video devices, control, computing, data storage and retrieval, photography, measurement and metrology equipment, aviation and avionics and early warning and radar.
Our department has a fine blend of a team of qualified and experienced faculty and staff members and we are striving hard continuously to improve upon the quality of education and to maintain its position of leadership in engineering and technology. The Department is equipped with state of art Laboratories. The lab facilities are being upgraded from time to time and provide adequate opportunities for the students to learn and innovate. The Electronics & Communication Engineering Department is fully equipped with all the labs required for the curriculum like Analog Circuits lab, Logic Design lab, Microcontroller lab, Power Electronics Lab, VLSI and HDL lab, Microprocessor Lab, Analog Communication Lab and Project lab.
All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights and ideas. I am certain that our students will prove to be an invaluable asset to an organization.
Er. Veena Rani
Lab Images
Courses Offered
- Name of Course: B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Seats: 30
- Name of Course: M.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Seats: 18
Labs & Facility
No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Electrical engineering materials & semiconductor devices Lab |
2 | Analog Electronics lab |
3 | Digital Electronics Lab |
4 | Communication system Lab |
5 | Digital system design Lab |
6 | Microwave Lab |
7 | DSP Lab |
8 | Project Lab |
9 | Microprocessor & interfacing lab |
10 | VLSI design Lab |
11 | Data communication lab |
12 | Multimedia systems Lab |
13 | Numerical Methods lab |
14 | VHDL lab |
15 | Embedded system design lab |
Labs & Facility
- B.Tech Syllabus
- M.Tech Syllabus
Research & Publication
Amita Rani & Veena Rani, “Design and Simulation of Microstrip Patch Antenna for UWB Applications”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer & Communication Engineering, Vol. 06, Issue 12, December 2017
Manish Verma, Veena Rani & Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gupta “A Review on Performance Evaluation of Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing System”, International Journal of Computer Networks & Wireless Communications, Vol. 08, Issue 04, July-August, 2018
Rahul Dang, Veena Rani & Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gupta “A Review on Quality Measures Evaluation by Hybrid Sparse & Neural in Speech Enhancement” , International Journal of Computer Networks & Wireless Communications, Vol. 08, Issue 04, July-August, 2018
Manish Verma, Veena Rani & Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gupta “PAPR Evaluations of Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing System” , International Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research, Vol. 05, Issue 09, Sep 2018
Rahul Dang, Veena Rani & Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gupta “ Quality Measures Evaluation by Hybrid Sparse & Neural in Speech Enhancement”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research, Vol. 05, Issue 09, Sep 2018
Jyoti Makkar, Dr. Himanshu Monga, Silki Baghla, “Reduction of Inter-Symbol Interference using Artificial Neural Network System in Multicarrier OFDM System”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 5, pp.553-558, Oct-2017. ISSN: 2456-3307. UGC approved.
Pooja Rani, Er. Silki Baghla, Dr. Himanshu Monga, “Hybrid PAPR Reduction Scheme for Universal Filter Multi-Carrier Modulation in Next Generation Wireless Systems”, Advances in Systems Science and Applications (ASSA), Vol.17, No.4, pp.22-33, Dec.2017 (Scopus indexed)
Silki Baghla, Savina Bansal, “Context and Movement Aware Vector Normalized VIKOR Based Vertical Handover for Heterogeneous Networks”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), , Vol. 3, Issue 8, pp.366-373, November-December 2017. Print ISSN: 2395-1990, Online ISSN: 2394-4099. (UGC Approved, Impact factor:3.7)
Silki Baghla, Savina Bansal, “Performance Comparison of MADM Algorithms For Network Selection In Heterogeneous Networks”, International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering (IJFRCSCE), Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.32-37, Jan 2018, ISSN: 2454-4248 (UGC Approved, Impact Factor: 4.312). http://www.ijfrcsce.org/current-issue-42
Sunita Rani, Himanshu Monga, Silki Baglha, “Design and Performance Enhancement of Vivaldi Antenna”, International Journal of Radio Frequency Design, Vol. 3, Issue 2,pp.1-5, Dec 2017.
Silki Baghla, Savina Bansal, “An approach to Energy efficient Vertical Handover Technique for Heterogeneous Networks”, International Journal of Information Technology, Springer Singapore, pp.1-8, Print ISSN:2511-2104, Online ISSN: 2511-2112, UGC approved
Pooja Rani, Er. Silki Baghla, Dr. Himanshu Monga, “An Improved PAPR Reduction Technique For Universal Filter Multi-Carrier Modulation”, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2018, 41–46, ISSN 1335-8243, DOI: 10.15546/aeei-2018-0006
Pooja Rani, Silki Baghla, Himanshu Monga, “Effect of Transmission Parameters on PAPR of Universal Filter Multicarrier Modulation Systems”, Research & Development in Material Science, CRIMSON PUBLISHERS, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp.1-5, 2018, RDMS.000554
Pooja Rani, Silki Baghla, Himanshu Monga, “Universal Filter Multicarrier Modulation System With Varied Parameters & Impact On PAPR”, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 50–54, 2018, DOI: 10.15546/aeei-2018-0016
Pawandeep, Silki Baghla, “Spectrum Sensing Methods for Cognitive Radio – A Survey”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Vol.5, Issue 6, pp.82-86, June 2018.
Anu, Silki, “RLEACH-ACO: Revised LEACH-ACO Routing Protocol for Enhancing Energy Efficiency of WSN”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Vol.5, Issue 8, pp. 356-364, Aug 2018.
Anu, Silki, “Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks–A Review”, International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), Vol.8, No.4, pp. 15-22, July-Aug 2018, ISSN: 2250-3501.
Pawandeep, Silki Baghla , “Hybrid Spectrum Sensing Algorithm Based On Adaptive Double Threshold and Covariance Detection”, IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 18a-25a, July- Sept 2018. ISSN 2349-5138
Silki Baghla , Savina Bansal, “VIKOR MADM Based Optimization Method For Vertical Handover In Heterogeneous Networks”, Advances in Systems Science and Applications (ASSA), Vol.18, No.3, pp.90-110, Oct.2018 (Scopus indexed)
Jaspreet Kaur, Silki Baghla, “Gallium Nitride: An Excellent Choice For 5G Wireless Networks”, Advances In Wireless Communication And Mathematics, Book Chapter , no. 7, pp.40-44, ISBN 978-93-85446-98-6.
Jyoti Makkar, Silki Baghla, “Design and Implementation of OFDM System and Reduction of Peak to Average Power Ratio by Hybrid of Hadamard Coding and DAPSK Modulation with Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform”, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, Vol.6, Issue 4, pp.501-508, 2018.
1. Er. Priyanka Sharma, Er. Silki Baghla, Er. Sukhdeep Kaur, “Mathematical Model of Reliability Assessment for Traffic Control System” International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering VOL. 1, ISSUE 1, OCT. 2012 ( ISSN NO: 2319-74)
2. Kamal Jain,Sukhdeep Kaur “Design and Analysis of H-cut Slot Antenna Using BBO Algorithm” IJRECE VOL. 2 ISSUE 3 JUL-SEP 2014
3. Sonia Chhabra, Sukhdeep Kaur “Optimization of Elliptical Patch Antenna Using Particle Swarm Optimization” IJRECE VOL. 2 ISSUE 3 JUL-SEP 2014
4. Shikha Sukhija, Sukhdeep Kaur “A Two-Sleeve Dual Band Antenna for Wireless Applications”International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 8, August-2011ISSN 2229-5518
5. Ria Kalra, Sukhdeep Kaur, Rajesh Khanna, “Comparison of different planar monopole antenna using HFSS”, International Journal of Advance engineering and technology
6. Richa Garg,Pooja Nagpal,Sukhdeep Kaur “Antenna Miniaturization Using Fractals. ”,International Journal of communication engineering application( IJCEA-) Volume 2,Issue 6,August-2011
7. Sukhdeep kaur, Rajesh Khanna, “Performance evaluation of various UWB antenna”,Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ICAEEE-2011), International conference, 25-26 Feb, 2011, MIT, Moradabad (India).
8. Alka Kalra, Sukhdeep Kaur “Windowing-Techniquein OFDM’”, Proc. National Conference on Computational Instrumentation ,CSIO, Chandigarh, 2010
9. Ria kalra, Sukhdeep Kaur, “Analysis on printed planar monopole anteena” RAETE-2012, 22-24 Feb., 2012.
10.Naveen kamboj, Shailesh pathak, Sukhdeep Kaur, “Performance comparison of different modulation technique RAETE-2012, 22-24 Feb., 2012.
11. Sukhdeep Kaur,Puneet Goyal “A comparitive review design of microstrip antenna using artificial neural network” RAETE-2012, 22-24 Feb., 2012
12. Priyanka Sharma,sukhdeep Kaur”Review of radio frequency Micro_electromechanical
system technology” RAETE-2012, 22-24 Feb., 2012
13. Sukhdeep Kaur ‘Nano-Technology Applications’ at N.C.College of Engineering Panipat.
14. Sukhdeep Kaur,Amita Sieera ‘ICI Cancellation Method’ Recte_2008 at J.C.D. Vidyapeeth Sirsa.
15. Sukhdeep Kaur,Amita Sieera ‘Adaptive Modulation Technique’ at G.N.D.E.C. Ludhiana.
16. Bindu kamboj,Manish Mehta ,”Design of Low Power Transreceiver and Wireless Implanted Module for Biomedical and RF Applications”, International Jounal of advanced engineering & tech research(IJAETR), Vol.1 issue to July-Aug 2012.
17. Prince nagpal.manish Mehta, “ Optimization of Capacitive MEMS 3D Pressure Sensor “,International Jounals of Scientific & Engineering Research in October 2012
18. Saurabh Mehta,Manish Mehta,”Power Efficient Inductive Coupling For RF Telemetry Applications”, International Jounal of Advanced and Innovative Research Vol-2 Issue 10, October 2013.
19. Saurabh Mehta,Manish Mehta “A Novel Approach:Square Spiral Inductor For RF Telemetry Application” communicated in AICTE sponsored National Conference on Emerging Trends inElectronics & Communication at BRCM CET, Bahal, Bhiwani(Haryana)
20. Saurabh Mehta,Manish Mehta,”Design of Circular Shape spiral inductor for RF application”, International Jounal of Applied Engineering Research Vol. 7 No. 11(2012), PP 1869-1873.
21. Saurabh Mehta,Manish Mehta ,“ High quality Factor Circular Inductor for RF Application”, in the proceeding of 4th National Conference on Recent Innovation in Electrical and Electronics & communication Engg. Kurukshetra Haryana(India) 24th Nov 2012, pp-16
22. Manish Mehta, Ravinder AgarwalandKamaljeet Rangra,”Design and Analysis of Wireless Inductive Coupling in RF Telemetry Applications”,International Conference in RVCE,Bangalore in Sept 2014
23. Veena Rani “ECG noise removal and QRS detection “ in International Journal of computer science and information technology research excellence, vol.1,issue1,Nov.-Dec.2011
24. Veena Rani “An implantable wireless sensor system and transreceiver for RF telemetry applications” in National Conference on Recent advances in engineering technologies and environment(RAETE), 22-24 Feb.2012
25. Veena Rani “Design of low power transreceiver and wireless implanted module for biomedical and RF applications” in International Journal of Advanced engineering and technological research, vol1,issue2,July-Aug.2012
26. Veena Rani “Performance comparison of image denoising using discrete wavelet transform” in International Journal of engineering and management research,vol3,issue4,July-Aug.2013
27. Veena Rani “Analyzing delay and capacity in passive optical network” in International Journal of scientific engineering and research,vol1,issue1,Sep.2013
28. Veena Rani “Design of low power, high speed full adder using PTL-TG hybrid style” in International Journal of enhanced research in science, technology and engineering,vol3,issue6,June2014
29. Veena Rani “Design and analysis of 2:1 multiplexer using low power Adiabatic technique and its application in nibble multiplexer” in International Journal of scientific research and development,vol2,issue5,July2014
30. Silki, R.K. Bansal, Savina Bansal, “Performance Evolution of Soft Handover Techniques in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems”, in Proceedings of International Conference on VLSI and Communication (ICVCOM-2009), Kottayam, Kerala, India, 16-18 April, pp.143-147, 2009.
31. Silki, R.K. Bansal, Savina Bansal, “Performance Evolution of Soft Handover Techniques in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems”, International Journal of Computers, Information technology and Engineering (IJCITAE), Vol.3, No.1, Jan-June, pp.143-147, 2009. http://www.serialspublications.com, ISSN: 0973-743X
32. Raspreet Kaur, Silki, Navneet Pal Singh, “Analyzing performance of Wireless LANs ”, in Proceedings of AICTE Sponsored Ist National conference on Knowledge, Discovery and Network Security (KDNS-2011), 26-27 Feb, pp.140-143, OIMT, Hisar , 2011.
33. Silki, Savina Bansal, Navneet Pal, “ Simulation &Performance Analysis of Wireless LAN in DCF and EDCF using OPNET ” , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , Vol. 6, No.18, pp. 2422-2426, Oct. 2011, ISSN 0973-4562,http://www.ripublication.com/ijaer.htm.
34. Amit Nagpal, Palak Batra, Silki, “Performance Evaluation of WiMAX Physical Layer” in Proceedings of AICTE Sponsored 4th National Conference on ‘Recent Advances in Engineering Technology and Environmental Issues’ (RAETE-2012), 22-24 Feb, 2012.
35. Sahil Monga, Silky Baghla, “Wearable Biosensors Techniques, Problems and Remedies” in Proceedings of AICTE Sponsored 4th National Conference on ‘Recent Advances in Engineering Technology and Environmental Issues’ (RAETE-2012), 22-24 Feb, 2012.
36. Neha Sharma, Silky, Pravin Kumar “BER and Phase Noise Measurement of Radio over Fiber System based on RF Oscillator Linewidth” International Journal of CIIT International networking & communication engineering Vol. 4, NO. 12, Aug, 2012, ISSN: 0974 – 9713, http://www.ciitresearch.org.
37. Nancy, Silki Baghla, “Performance Evaluation and Comparison of MADM Algorithms for Subjective and Objective Weights in Heterogeneous Networks” International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE), Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 37-42 April-2013.
38. Silki, Savina Bansal, “Vertical Handover Decision Algorithms Based on MADM Methods: A Survey” International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Information Technology(ICECIT-2013), 4-5 Oct, pp.57-57, 2013.
39. Silki, Savina Bansal, “Handoff Latency Analysis of MADM Algorithm in Heterogeneous Networks” in Proceedings of 4thInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering &Technology(IETET-2013),GIMT, Kurukshetra 25-27 Oct, pp.295-300,2013.
40. Silki, Savina Bansal, “Handoff Latency Analysis of MADM Algorithm in Heterogeneous Networks” Advances in Engineering and Technology Series 03, Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE), pp.295-300, 2013, ISSN: 2214-0344.
41. Priyanka Sharma, Er. Silki Baghla, “Performance of Hybrid Fuzzy and Fuzzy Self Tuning PID Controller for any Order Transfer Function” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 360-366, Jan. 2014 ISSN: 2277 128X .
42. Silki, Savina Bansal, Mohamed Lahby, “A Modified VIKOR Method for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Networks” International Journal of Mobile & Adhoc Network (IJMAN), IFRSA publications, pp.85-90, Vol 4, Issue 1, Feb. 2014, ISSN: 2249-202X.
43. Kirandeep Sharma, Er. Silki Baghla, “Evaluation of Sobel Edge Detection Technique for Counting of Clustered Soyabean Seeds” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol 4, Issue 3, pp. 1439-1443, Mar. 2014, ISSN: 2277 128X .
44. Vijay Verma, Silki Baghla, “Performance Evaluation of Quality of Service In Heterogeneous Networks Using OPNET Modeler”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology (IJECET), IAEME Publications, Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 67-74 (GISI Calculated journal impact factor- 7.2836).
45. Vijay Verma, Silki Baghla, “Performance Evaluation of Qos in WLAN-UMTS Network Using Opnet Modeler”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014, pp. 857-860.
46. Harvinder Gill, Silki Baghla, “Modified Fuzzy method for Vertical Handoff in Heterogeneous Networks”, International Journal of scientific research and management (IJSRM), Vol. 2, Issue 7, pp. 1065-1069, 2014, ISSN (e): 2321-3418
47. Harvinder Gill, Silki Baghla, “A New Fuzzy Simulation Model for Vertical Handoff in Heterogeneous Networks”, SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (SSRG-IJECE), Vol.1, Issue 6, pp.24-29, Aug. 2014, ISSN: 2348 – 8549.
48.Monika Birara, Subash Chander, Silki Baghla, “Stegnography Using Interpolation And LSB With cryptography on Images”, International Journal of Computer Application and Technology 1(2), Jun 2014, pp. 23-29 ISSN: 2349-1841.
49. Silki, Savina Bansal, “Performance of VIKOR MADM Method for Vertical Handoffs in Heterogeneous Networks with Various Weighting Methods”, in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT™-2014), pp.29-34, Nov. 2014, ISBN: 978-93-84935-00-9.
50.Silki Baghla, Savina Bansal , “ Effect of Normalization Techniques in VIKOR Method for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Networks” , in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, pp.335-340, Dec.2014.
51. Rajni,“Design of High-Gain Folded-Cascode Op-Amp Using 1.25 um CMOS Technology” in the International Journal of Science, Engineering and Research in November Issue 11, Vol. 2.
52. Rajni,“The Techniques of Simulation and Measurement for an Op-Amp” in the 2nd conference (COIT-2008) at R.M.T. College of Engineering and Technology at Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab.
53. Rajni, “DNA Computers, Review” in the 2nd conference RTAC-09 at JCDM College of Engineering and Technology Sirsa on feb 27-28 2009.
54. Rajni,“Power minimization techniques in Low power Design” in the 2nd national conference RTAC-09 at JCDM College of Engineering and Technology Sirsa on feb 27-28 2009.
55. Rajni,“Comparison of Mobile Communication Generations and their Future“ in AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Recent Trends in computing, Mechatronics and Communication” at Om Institute of Technology and Management on Feb 25-26 2012.
56. Rajni,“Frequency Compensation Techniques for Multistage Amplifiers” in AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Recent Trends in computing, Mechatronics and Communication” at Om Institute of Technology and Management on Feb 25-26 2012.
57. Rajni presented a paper in Recent advances in engineering technology and environmental issues (RAETE-2012),AICTE sponsored 4th National Conference at JCDM College of engineering, Sirsa from 22-24 Feb,2012.
58. Rajni,“Design and Analysis of a Low power High Performance circuit for Dynamic CMOS Logic” in International Journal for Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD), Vol. 2, Issue 6, Aug 2014.
59. Rajni,“Removal of Impulse Noise from Digital Videos by Spatio Temporal filtering” in IJATES, Issue 8, Vol. 2, Aug 2014.
60. Rajni,“Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advance Engineering.
61. Rajni,“Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios for Efficient Utilization of Resources”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Development.
62.Gaurav presented a paper Ocular detection for biometric recognition using PCA in IJESRT july,2014.