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Message From Principal’s Desk

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Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open”

Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal Memorial College of Engineering is one among reputed technical institutes imparting the finest quality education. It has been a forerunner in recognizing the needs of the industry and integrating knowledge with professional inputs. The evolution of the institute since 2003 has witnessed the strong blend of state-of-the-art infrastructure and intricately intertwined human resource committed to providing professional education with thrust on creativity and innovation. At Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal Memorial College of Engineering, we strive hard to materialize the dream of Ch. Devi Lal (Former Deputy Prime Minister of India) about the world-class standard of education. By maintaining a team of core faculty members, who are constantly pushing the frontiers of knowledge, we ensure a futuristic approach that keeps pace with the changing trends in the professional world through our global perspective. We endeavour to equip our students with both technical and management skills by the way of enabling them to participate in seminars, and workshops in and out of the Institute, apart from educational tours and industrial project works, so that they may contribute to the industry being excellent professionals. Besides technical competence, we imbibe moral values which are equally important to make them better citizens besides honing their technical skills.

With all the laurels we have achieved to date, I am sure we will keep providing a gamut of professional Engineers and Technocrats, backed by the top professional services.


Dr. Varinder singh

Dr. Varinder singh