Students of G.D. Goenka School Sirsa visited JCDMCOE on 19-12-2022
About 50 students from G.D Goenka School visited JCDM College of Engineering on 19th Dec 2022. On occasion, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gupta, Principal JCDM College of Engineering welcomed all the students and their accompanied staff members. The students visited various laboratories of all the branches and got acquainted with the functioning of the available lab equipments. The visit was organized under the supervision of Er. Gurvinder Singh, AP ME. Er. Ganga Singh(AP,ME), Er. Janardan Tiwari(HOD Civil Engg.), Er. Sushil Kumar(AP EE) and Mr. Chander Shekhar(ME) explained about concepts and working of different equipments of the concerned labs.