Civil Engineering Department
JCDM College of Engineering
To create professionally competent, confident and socially sensitive civil engineering.
- Our mission is to educate the students and get them aware of most up-to-date expertise in civil Engineering.
- Teach students in such a manner that they develop ethical values to grow professionally.
- Is to Give them quality coaching, that students can work easily as per the domestic and global standards.
- Train the students in such a way that they get fully equipped with the latest technical and soft skills.
- We believe and focus on the overall personality and ethical development of the students.
Introduction to the Department
Department of Civil Engineering is one of the youngest departments of the institute. It was established in the year 2009. The department has set up well-equipped laboratory facilities for carrying out teaching, research and consultancy activities in various fields of Civil Engineering.
Graduates of the programme will be able to adapt to the continuous changes in the field of civil engineering.
Graduates of the programme will be able to communicate and work as an effective member of the team in order to be productive in the workplace and in the society.
1) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals as it applies to the field of civil engineering.
2) An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems related to civil engineering.
3) An ability to design, collect data, conduct experiments and interpret results.
4) An ability to analyze and design reinforced concrete and steel structures and other civil engineering problems as per code specifications.
5) An ability to use modern engineering tools necessary for civil engineering practices.
6) An ability to understand the impact of civil engineering solutions in the environmental and social context.
7) An ability to understand ethical and professional responsibilities.
8) An ability to work as an individual and as a team member.
9) An ability to communicate effectively.
10) An ability to understand management principles and their applications.
11) An ability for self-study and life-long learning.

Message from HOD
An affectionate welcome to the Civil Engineering discipline. Civil engineering is the second-oldest engineering discipline after military engineering. Civil Engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of physically built works like roads, bridges, canals, dams and buildings.
There are many career paths for civil engineers. Civil engineers are essential in government agencies, private and public sector undertakings to take up various mega projects like metro railway projects, express highway corridors, industrial structures, reservoir projects, flyovers, townships and mega city projects. Today, the world is undergoing vast changes in the technological revolution, population growth and environmental concerns. All these changes create unique challenges for civil engineers.
The Department of Civil Engineering with its multifaceted faculty maintains its strong links with the construction industry by engaging in consultancy activities. The students here are encouraged to engage extra-curricular and co-curricular activities which are essential for personality development, nurturing of team spirit and development of organizational skills.
Er.Janardan Tiwari
Head of Civil Engineering Department
Lab Images
Courses Offered
- Name of Course: B.Tech (Civil Engineering)
- Seats: 60
- Name of Course: M.Tech (Civil Engineering)
- Seats: 18
Lab & Facilities
Research Publications
- Ravi Kant Pareek, Varinder Singh (2015) Assessment of Ground Water Quality of Ellenabad Town & Its Near By Villages With Respect to Fluoride, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences ( Accepted).
- Varinder Singh, Prem Pal Bansal, Maneek Kumar (2015) Finite Element Modeling of GFRP Jacketed Reinforced Concrete BC Joints, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, ISSN 0976-4399 ( Accepted).
- Lakhvinder Singh, P. Sharma, A. R. Pavankumar (2015). Elimination of chemical oxygen demand and decolorization of textile industrial effluent by an indigenous fungal species Aspergillus foetidus. CLEAN, Soil, Air, and Water, 43, 456-461.
- Varinder Singh, Prem Pal Bansal, Maneek Kumar (2015) Experimental Studies on GFRP Jacketed RC Beam-Column Joints, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, ISSN 0976-4399.
- Rahul Bansal, Varinder Singh, Ravi Kant Pareek(2015) Effect on Compressive Strength with Partial Replacement of Fly Ash, International Journal on Emerging Technologies 6(1): 31-39(2014) ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255, ISSN No. (Print): 0975-8364.
- Varinder Singh, Prem Pal Bansal, Maneek Kumar (2015) Experimental studies on strength and ductility of Ferrocement jacketed reinforced concrete beam-column joints, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol.5, No.3, 199-205, ISSN 0976-4399.
- Gupta, P., Roy, S. and Mahindrakar, A. B. (2015) Treatment of groundwater using phytoremediation technique at Kolar Gold Fields, India, International Journal of Environmental Engineering 7(1), pp. 11-34 (ISSN:1756-8463).
- A R Pavankumar, Lakhvinder Singh (2014).Identification of Moringa oleifera protein responsible for the decolorization and pesticide removal from drinking water – An in silico and in situ evaluation. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. Taylor and Francis Online. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4468.
- Varinder Singh, Prem Pal Bansal, Maneek Kumar, S.K. Kaushik (2014) Experimental studies on strength and ductility of CFRP jacketed reinforced concrete beam-column joints”. Construction and Building Materials, 55, pp.194–201.
- Varinder Singh, PremPal Bansal, Maneek Kumar, S.K. Kaushik (2014) Finite Element Modeling of CFRP Retrofitted RC Beam-Column Joints, International Journal on Emerging Technologies 5(2): 31-39(2014) ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255, ISSN No. (Print): 0975-8364.
- Varinder Singh, PremPal Bansal, Maneek Kumar, S.K. Kaushik (2014) Effect of Wire Mesh Orientation on Strength of Exterior RC Beam-Column Joints Retrofitted Using Ferrocement Jackets” International Journal on Emerging Technologies 5(1): 212-219, ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255, ISSN No. (Print): 0975-8364.
- A. R. Pavankumar, Johan Norén, Lakhvinder Singh, Naveen K. C. Gowda (2014). Scaling-up the production of recombinant Moringa oleifera coagulant protein for large-scale water treatment applications. RSC Advances, 4, 7136-7141.
- A. K. Yadav, Lakhvinder Singh, A. Mohanty, S. Satya & T.R. Sreekrishnan (2012). Removal of various pollutants from wastewater by electrocoagulation using iron and aluminium electrode. Desalination and Water Treatment, 46, 352-358.
- Chhotu Ram, Ravi Kant Pareek, Varinder Singh (2012) Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dye by Using Titanium Dioxide Nanocatalyst, International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences, 4(2): 82-88, ISSN No. (Print): 0975-1718, ISSN No. (Online): 2249-324.
- Varinder Singh, Prem Pal Bansal, Maneek Kumar, S.K. Kaushik (2014) Experimental and Non-Linear Finite Element Studies of RC Beam-Column Joints Strengthened with Ferrocement Jackets, Materials and Structures (under Review).
- Roy, S. and Dass, G. (2014) Statistical models for the prediction of shear strength parameters at Sirsa, India, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering4(4), pp. 483-498 (ISSN: 0976-4399).
- Roy, S. and Dass, G. (2013) Fluoride contamination in drinking water-A review, Resources and Environment 3(3), pp. 53-58 (ISSN: 2163-2618).
- Ravi Kant Pareek, Ravinder kumar (2012) “Electro-Chemical Treatment of Bleach Effluent of Pulp and Paper Industry”. International Journal of Biological forum (Research Trend) ISSN No. (Print): 0975-1130 ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3239
- Roy, S., Gupta, P. and Singh, T. N. (2012) Studies on meteorological parameters and mixing height in gold mining area, Resources and Environment 2(5), pp. 228-239 (ISSN: 2163-2618).
- Gupta, P., Roy, S. and Mahindrakar, A. B. (2012) Treatment of water using water hyacinth, water lettuce and vetiver grass – A review, Resources and Environment2(5), pp. 202-215 (ISSN: 2163-2618).
- Gupta, P., Roy, S. and Babu, A. R. (2012) Study on noise levels generated due to jack hammer drill in granite quarries, Frontiers in Science 2 (3), pp. 47-52 (ISSN:2166-6083).
- Roy. S. (2012) Prediction of particulate matter concentrations using artificial neural network, Resources and Environment 2(2), pp. 30-36 (ISSN: 2163-2618).
- Gupta, P. and Roy, S. (2012) Evaluation of spatial and seasonal variations in groundwater quality at Kolar Gold Fields, India, American Journal of Environmental Engineering2(2), pp. 19-30 (ISSN:2166-4633).
- Roy, S., Gupta, P. and Renaldy, T. A. (2012) Impacts of gold mill tailings dumps on agriculture lands and its ecological restoration at Kolar Gold Fields, India,Resources and Environment 2(1), pp. 67-79 (ISSN: 2163-2618).
- Praveen Sharma and Lakhvinder Singh (2011). Application of response surface analysis for biodegradation of azo reactive textile dye using Aspergillus foetidus.Journal of Basic Microbiology, 51, 1–10.
- Lakhvinder Singh, A. R. Pavankumar, L. Ramanathan and Gunartna KR (2011) Effective removal of Cu2+ from simulated aqueous medium using alginate as biosorbent. Ecological Engineering, 38, 119-124.
- Roy, S., Adhikari, G. R., Renaldy T. A. and Singh T. N. (2011) Assessment of atmospheric and meteorological parameters for control of blasting dust at an Indian large surface coal mine, Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3(3), pp. 234-248 (ISSN: 2041-0484).
28.Roy, S., Adhikari, G. R., Renaldy T. A. and Jha, A. K. (2011) Development of multiple regression and neural network models for assessment of blasting dust at a large surface coal mine, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 4 (3), pp. 284-301 (ISSN: 1994-7887).
- Praveen Sharma, Lakhvinder Singh and Jyoti Mehta (2010). COD reduction and color removal of simulated textile mill wastewater by bacterial consortium. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 3, 731-735.
- Roy, S., Adhikari, G. R. and Singh T. N. (2010) Development of emission factors for quantification of blasting dust at surface coal mines, Journal of Environmental Protection1 (4), pp. 346-361 (ISSN: 2152-2197).
- Praveen Sharma, Lakhvinder Singh and Neeraj Dilbaghi (2009). Response Surface Methodological Approach for the Biodegradation of Simulated Dye Effluent usingAspergillus fumigatus fresenius. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 161, 1081–1086.
- Praveen Sharma, Lakhvinder Singh and Neeraj Dilbaghi (2009). Optimization of Process Variables for Decolorization of Disperse Yellow 211 by Bacillus subtilis using Box-Behenken Design. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164, 1024-1029.
- Praveen Sharma, Lakhvinder Singh and Neeraj Dilbaghi (2009). Biodegradation of Orange II Dye by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in Simulated Wastewater. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 68, 157-161.
- Roy, S. and Adhikari, G. R. (2009) Seasonal variation in the suspended particulate matter vis-à-vis meteorological parameters at Kolar Gold Fields, India,International Journal of Environmental Engineering 1 (4), pp. 432-445 (ISSN:1756-8463).
- Roy, S., Adhikari, G. R. and Gupta, R. N. (2007) Use of gold mill tailings in making bricks – a feasibility study, Waste Management & Research 25 (5), pp.475-482 (ISSN:0734-242X).
- Roy, S. and Adhikari, G. R. (2007) Worker noise exposures from diesel and electric surface coal mining machinery, Noise Control Engineering Journal – an International Publication 55 (5), September-October, pp. 434-437 (ISSN: 0736-2501).
- Ghose, M. K. and Roy. S. (2007) Contribution of small-scale mining to employment, development and sustainability – An Indian scenario, Environment, Development and Sustainability 9 (3), pp. 283-303 (ISSN: 1387-585X).
- Ghose, M. K. and Roy. S. (1999) Lysimeter test of coke plant effluent disposal to land in India, Jr. of the Air & Waste Management Association 49 (10), pp. 1245-1249(ISSN: 1096-2247).
- Thakur, N. and Roy, S. (2014) Study the suitability of ground granulated induction furnace slag as replacement of cement, International Journal of Civil Engineering 1 (1) special issue, pp. 55-56 (ISSN:1694-2396).
- Kumar, M., Roy, S. and Gupta, P. (2012) Assessment of traffic noise at Kolar Gold Fields, India, Journal of Environmental Science & Engineering 54 (4), October, pp. 550-557 (ISSN: 0367-827X).
- Roy, S. and Singh, T. N. (2008) Influence of rock and explosives properties and blast design parameters on dust generation during blasting in opencast coal mines – an approach, Mining Engineer’s Journal 10 (4), November, pp. 10-14 (ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Roy, S. (2006) Air pollution dispersion model for a point source, Mining Engineer’s Journal 7 (11), June, pp. 15-21 (ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Roy, S. (2006) Role of meteorological parameters on air pollution, Mining Engineer’s Journal 7 (7), February, pp. 8-12 (ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Roy, S. (2006) Dust pollution due to surface coal mines and its impact on human health and vegetation, Mining Engineer’s Journal 7 (6), January, pp. 18-21(ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Adhikari, G. R., Jain, N. K., Roy, S., Theresraj, A. I., Balchander, R., Venkatesh, H. S. and Gupta, R. N. (2006) Control measures for ground vibration induced by blasting at coal mines and assessment of damage to surface structures, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology 12 (1), January, pp. 3-19 (ISSN: 0971-9059).
- Roy, S. (2005) Geotechnical properties of coal fired thermal power plant ash, The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal 44 (10), October, pp. 17-20 (ISSN: 0019-5944).
- Roy, S. (2005) Environmental auditing – a tool for environmental management, Mining Engineer’s Journal 7 (2), September, pp. 11-15 (ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Roy, S. (2005) Environmental impact assessment for mining projects, Mining Engineer’s Journal 6 (11), June, pp. 29-33 (ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Roy, S. (2005) Use of coal combustion products in surface mine reclamation, Mining Engineer’s Journal 6 (8), March, pp. 9-11 (ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Roy, S. (2005) Coal combustion residue: a useful fill material, Mining Engineer’s Journal 6 (6), January, pp. 22-26 (ISSN: 0975-3001).
- Ghose, M. K. and Roy. S. (2000) Land disposal of coke oven effluents for irrigation – an Indian case study, Jr. of the Institution of Engineers, Environmental Engineering, Vol.81 (1), pp. 8-12 (ISSN: 0251-110X).
- Ghose, M. K. and Roy. S. (1999) Impact on surface water quality due to coke oven effluents, Indian Jr. of Environmental Protection, Vol.19 (10) pp. 735-740 (ISSN: 0253-7141).
- Ghose, M. K. and Roy. S. (1996) Status of water pollution due to the coke over effluents – a case study. Jr. of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, Vol. 1996, No. 3, pp. 1-10 (ISSN: 0970-3195).
- Ghose, M.K. and Roy, S. (2008) Application of environmental biotechnology for the treatment of coke plant effluent, Chapt.4, Environmental Science and Technology in India, Eds. Arbind Kumar and R. K. Somashekar, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 32-37 (ISBN 13:9788170355410).
- Roy, S. and Ghose, M. K. (2000) Damodar river pollution caused by coke plant effluent and the low cost technology for its safe disposal, Chapt.7, Pollution and Bio-Monitoring of Indian Rivers. Ed. R. K. Trivedi, ABD Publishers, Jaipur, pp. 104-110 (ISBN: 818577112X|9788185771120).
- Gupta, P. and Roy, S. (2011) Impact of underground space construction on water environment, International Conference on Underground Space Technology and the 8thAsian Regional Conference of IAEG, January 17-19, Bangalore, India.
- Renaldy, T. A. and Roy, S. (2011) Impact of air environment due to underground space construction, International Conference on Underground Space Technology and the 8th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, January 17-19, Bangalore, India.
- Roy, S., and Ghose, M. K. (2005) Environmental challenges in Indian mineral industry & water resources, water demand and reuse of coal mine discharge in Raniganj Coalfield areas, International Symposium on Advances in Mining Technology and management, November30-December2, IIT, Kharagpur.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (1998) Control of water pollution by recycling of coke plant effluent for irrigation, International Conference on Water Quality and its Management, CIIP, New Delhi.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (1997) Environmental impact of coke plant effluent on surface water quality, International Symposium on Emerging Trend in Hydrology, Roorkee.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (1996) Pollution due to coke plant effluent and their management, WEDC International Water & Sanitation Conference, New Delhi.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (1994) Water pollution due to coke oven effluents of BCCL, International Conference on Environmental Protection, Bombay.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (1994) Pollution due to coke plant effluents and their low cost technology for the treatment and disposal, International Water Congress on “Water Down Under”, Australia.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (1994) Impact on surface water quality due to coke oven effluents, 20th WEDC Conference, Colombo.
- Roy, S. and Dass, G. (2015) Assessment of geotechnical properties of soil for the civil engineering structures at Sirsa, India, In two days National Seminar on “Recent Advancements in Management, Commerce, Education and Engineering Outlook – 2015” 21-22nd January, p. 42.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (2005) Boosting production and export of Indian minerals and environmental challenges, National Convention and Seminar on Indian Mining Industry – Destination 2020, Nagpur, December.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (2005) Alternative energy sources and the potential for geothermal energy in the Indian context, National Seminar on Alternative Energy Sources, Thane, August.
- Ghose M.K and Roy, S. (2005) Approach for the use of mine discharge for public water supplies in coal mining areas, 21st National Convention on Environmental Engineering, Bhubaneswar, February.
- Ghose, M.K. and Roy, S. (2004) Application of environmental biotechnology for the treatment of coke plant effluent, National Seminar on New Horizons in Environmental Science and Engineering in India, November 17 – 19, Bangalore University, Bangalore.
- Roy, S. and Ghose, M.K (1994) Control of surface water pollution due to coke plant effluent by land disposal system, 2nd National. Seminar on Mineral & Ecology, Dhanbad.